Why register trademark is important?
It shows the intention that you are going to have a long-standing business next
It helps in the monopoly of your brand recognition
It helps you increase control over the technology your own
Cheaper compared to dealing with infringement during lawsuits
It gives you legitimacy
Understanding your own positioning in the market
Gaining legitimacy from results that you can achieve, this is an accelerator to legitimacy
Commercialisation made easier through intellectual property as collateralisation
Easier for enforcement against any infringement
Help you better understand the value of your brand to valuation
Have a clearer picture of both the targeted segment and also your own products or services available
South East Asia Trademark Packages
Including Search, Application & Final, Registration (forwarding certificate) Per Mark Per Class
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RM 499 only
Lowest Fee in M’Sia | Flat Fee | Simple Pricing v Confusing Pricing | No hidden Costs
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